

Publisher:王希成Time:Dec 16, 2020Click:

何开华 教授

ProfessorKaihua He


School of Mathematics and Physics,

China University of Geosciences,

Wuhan, Hubei 430074

办公室  Office


A812, Integrated Teaching building, East Campus

办公室电话  Office Phone



研究兴趣Research Interests

凝聚态材料的物理性质 (Physical properties of condensed   matter)

地球深部矿物的物理性质 (Physical properties of minerals in   the Earth)

育背景 Education



Research fellow, National University of   Singapore, Singapore



PhD, Mineralogy,petrology, mineral geology,   China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)



Master, Condensed Matter Physics, Sichuan   Normal University

工作经历 Academic Experience



Professor, China University of Geosciences   (Wuhan), P.R.China



Associate Professor, China University of   Geosciences (Wuhan), P.R.China



Lecturer, China University of Geosciences   (Wuhan), P.R.China



Assistant professor, China University of   Geosciences (Wuhan), P.R.China

主要学术任职 Academic Service

主要奖励和荣誉 Honors & Awards

主要学术专著 Academic monograph

何开华(Kaihua He), 第一性原理计算在纳米材料和矿物材料中的应用(Application of first principles calculation in nanomaterials mineral materials), 湖北科学技术出版社,2017/05

主要学术论文 Selected Papers published in refereed journals

[1] Song Y. L., He K. H.*, Sun J., Ma C. J., Wan M., Wang Q. B., Chen Q. L., Effects of iron spin transition on the electronic structure, thermal expansivity and lattice thermal conductivity of ferropericlase: a first principles study, Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 4172

[2] Gao B. Z, He K. H.*, Chen Q. L., Wang X. C., Wang Q. B, Wan M., Ji G. F., First-principles study of spin transition and seismic properties of ferric iron-bearing post-perovskite with oxygen vacancy, Phys. Chem. Miner., 2015, 42, 163-169.

[3] He K. H., Chen J. S., First principles study of magnetic anisotropy and magnetoelectric effect of FePd/MgO(001) ultrathin films, J. Appl. Phys., 2013 113, 17C702.

[4] He K. H., Chen J. S., Feng Y. P., First principles study of the electric field effect on magnetization and magnetic anisotropy of FeCo/MgO(001) thin film, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2011, 99, 072503.

[5] He K. H., Chen J. S., The thickness, electric field and strain effects on the magnetic anisotropy of FeCo/MgO(001) thin films: A first principles study, J. Appl. Phys., 2012 111(7), 07C109.

[6] He K. H., Zheng G., Kirtman B., Chen Q. L., Wang X. C., Timon V., Ji G. F., First principles study on the electronic structure and effect of vanadium doping of BN nanowires, Solid State Commun., 2010, 150, 701-706.

[7] He K. H., Zheng G., Hong H. L., Wan M., Ji G. F., First principles study of the effects of the oxygen vacancy on electronic structure and ferromagnetism of Sn2Co2O8-δ, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 2010, 24, 2229-2235.

[8] He K. H., Zheng G., Chen G., Chen Q. L., Wan M., Comparative study of the structural and electronic properties of BN(5,5) and C(5,5) nanotubes under pressure, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 2010, 24, 4851-4859.

[9] He K. H., Zheng G., Chen G., Wan M., Ji G. F., The electronic structure and ferromagnetism of TM (TM = V, Cr, and Mn)-doped BN(5,5) nanotube: A first-principles study, Physica B, 403, 4213-4216, 2008.

[10]He K. H., Zheng G., Chen G., Wan M., Ji G. F., First principles study of the electronic and ferromagnetism of V-doped BN(5,5) nanotube, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 2008, 22, 1749-1756.

[11]Zhou M. X., He K. H.*, G. Zheng, Hou S. E., Evolution of structural, electronic and optical properties of monoclinic ZrO2 under high pressure: A first principles study, Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2008, 27,1181-1186.

[12]He K. H., Zheng G., Chen G., Lü T., Wan M., Ji G. F., Effects of single oxygen vacancy on electronic structure and ferromagnetism for V-doped TiO2, Solid State Commun., 2007, 144, 54-57.

[13]He K. H., Zheng G., Chen G., Lü T., Wan M., Ji G. F., Ab initio study of structural, electronic and optical properties of MnHg(SCN)4 and FeHg(SCN)4, Physica B, 2007, 390, 231-235.

科研课题 Funded Research Projects

国家自然科学基金面上项目(National Natural Science Foundation of China)41474067、含铁后钙钛矿的热传导特征研究:对D"层热结构的启示(Thermal conductivity of post-perovskite: implication of thermal structure of D" layer)、2015/01-2018/12

国家自然科学基金青年项目(National Natural Science Foundation of China), 41104054、“铁的价态和自旋对D"层中后钙钛矿地震波速的影响(Effects of valence and spin state of iron on seismic velocity for post-perovskite in D" layer)”,2012/01-2014/12

博士后基金项目(Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China)2015M570670D"层内铁的自旋,及其对方镁石和后钙钛矿地震波的影响(Spin state of iron in D" layer and effects on seismic wave of ferropericlase and post-perovskite),2015/01-2016/12

主要教授课程 Teaching

[1] 主讲过的本科生课程(Undergraduate courses)

《固体物理(Solid State Physics)》、

《量子力学(Quantum Mechanics)》、

《大学物理(College Physics)》、

《大学物理实验(College Physics Experiments)

[2] 主讲过的研究生课程(Graduate courses)

《材实设计(Material design)