
“数理论坛”第138期:On Two-Species Competition Models with Applications to the Invasion of Aedes Mosquitoes in the United States

Publisher:毕洁Time:Jan 8, 2020Click:



On Two-Species Competition Models with Applications to the Invasion of Aedes Mosquitoes in the United States









阮士贵教授,1983年本科毕业于华中师范大学数学系,1988年获得华中师范大学数学系硕士学位,1992年获得加拿大阿尔伯特大学数学系博士学位,1992-1993年在加拿大菲尔兹数学所做Junior Fellow,1993-1994年在加拿大麦克马斯特大学做博士后。1994-2002年在加拿大道尔豪斯大学数学与统计系先后任助理教授和副教授。现为美国迈阿密大学数学系终身教授。主要研究领域是动力系统和微分方程及其在生物和医学中的应用。在包括《美国国家科学院院刊 (PNAS)》、《临床传染病(CID))、《美国数学会会报(Memoirs Amer Math Soc)》、《纯粹与应用数学杂志(J Math PuresAppl)》等学术期刊上发表了200多篇学术论文,2014和2015年连续被汤森路透集团列为全球高被引科学家。担任了《DCDS-B》、《BMC Infectious Diseases》、《Bulletin of Mathematical Biology》、《Mathematical Biosciences》、《Scientific Reports》等学术期刊的编委,是《Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering》的主编(数学)。作为项目负责人获得美国国家卫生研究院、美国国家科学基金和中国国家自然科学基金多项资助。


The two prominent mosquito species, Aedesaegypti and Ae. albopictus, are the primary vectors that transmit several arboviral diseases, including chikungunya, dengue fever, yellow fever, and Zika. The world is presently experiencing a series of major outbreaks of these vector-borne diseases, so it is very important and necessary to understand the current distributions and movements of these mosquito vectors for successful surveillance and control programs. Based on the invasion of the Ae. albopictus mosquitoes and the competition between Ae. Albopictus and Ae. aegypti mosquitoes in the US, we study a two-species competition model in a network, that is with discrete Laplacian diffusion. In the case of strong-weak competition where the invasive competitor is stronger than the local one, it is shown that the invasive species (Ae. albopictus) wins over the local species (Ae. aegypti) and the solutions converge uniformly to the semi-positive equilibrium such that the invasive species survives while the local species becomes extinct, and vice versa. In the case of weak-weak competition, the solutions converge uniformly to the positive equilibrium so that both invasive and local species coexist. By using numerical simulations, we apply the two-species competition model in a network to explain the invasion and competition of Ae. Albopictus and Ae. Aegypti in the US. We also show that discrete Laplacian diffusion induces different spreading speeds in different invasive directions.


郭上江 教授
