边家文 副教授 |
Associate Professor Jiawen Bian |
中国地质大学(武汉)数学物理学院 School of Mathematics and Physics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430074 |
办公室 Office |
东区综合教学楼A座1206 |
A1206, Integrated Teaching building, East Campus |
E-mail: |
研究兴趣Research Interests |
概率统计及应用(Application of Probability and Statistics) |
统计信息处理 (Statistical Information Processing) |
教育背景 Education
2012.04-2013.05 |
美国Cornell Medical College, Cornell University,博士后(美方资助) |
Post-doctor fellow, Cornell Medical College, Cornell University, USA (Sponsored by USA ) |
2007.09-2010.06 |
中国地质大学(武汉),博士研究生,获理学博士学位 |
PhD, Earth Exploration and Information Technology, China University of Geosciences |
2001.09-2004.06 |
湖北大学,硕士研究生,获理学硕士学位 |
Msci, Applied Mathematics, Hubei University |
工作经历 Academic Experience
2013.01- |
中国地质大学(武汉)数理学院,副教授 |
Associate Professor, China University of Geosciences, P.R. China |
2005.07-2012.12 |
中国地质大学(武汉)数理学院,讲师 |
Lecturer, China University of Geosciences, P.R. China |
2004.06-2005.06 |
中国地质大学(武汉)数理学院,助教 |
Assistant professor, China University of Geosciences, P.R. China |
主要学术专著 Academic monograph
1. Jiawen Bian, Xiaobo Zhou. Hidden Markov Models in Bioinformatics: SNV Inference from next generation sequence. In: Hidden Markov Models: Methods and Protocols, David R. Westhead, M.S. Vijayabaskar, Eds, Methods in Molecular Biology[M], Humana Press(Springer Publishing Group), ISBN 978-1-4939-6751-3,New York, USA, 2017
2. 付丽华,边家文,李志明,李宏伟, 谐波信号分析与处理,中国地质大学出版社,2013.12.
Lihu Fu, Jiawen Bian, Zhiming Li, Hongwei Li. Analysis and Processing of Harmonic Signals, China University of Geosciences Press, 2013.12.
主要学术论文 Selected Papers published in refereed journals
1. J. Bian, J. Xing, J. Liu, Z. Li and H. Li, An adaptive and computationally efficient algorithm for parameters estimation of superimposed exponential signals with observations missing randomly. Digital Signal Processing, 2016, 48: 148-162.
2. J. Bian, J. Xing, Z. Liu, L. Fu and H. Li, A computationally efficient iterative algorithm for estimating the parameter of Chirp signal model, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014, 2014: 1-14.
3. J. Bian, C. Liu, H. Wang, J. Xing, P. Kachroo and X. Zhou, SNVHMM: predicting single nucleotide variants from next generation sequencing, BMC Bioinformatics, 2013, 14: 225.
4. J. Bian, H. Peng, J. Xing, Z. Liu and H. Li, An efficient algorithm for estimating the parameters of superimposed exponential signal in multiplicative and additive noise, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 2013, 23(1), 1-12.
5. J. Bian, H. Li and H. Peng, An efficient and fast algorithm for estimating the frequencies of 2-D superimposed exponential signals in zero-mean multiplicative and additive noise, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2011, 141(3): 1277-1289.
6. J. Bian, H. Li and H. Peng, An efficient and fast algorithm for estimating the frequencies of superimposed exponential signals in zero-mean multiplicative and additive noise, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2009, 74(12): 1407-1423.
7. J. Bian,J. Xing H. Peng and H. Li, MTSI algorithm for frequencies estimation of 2-D superimposed exponential model in multiplicative and additive noise which is stationary, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 2014, 8(4),1-13.
8. J. Bian, H. Li and H. Peng, An efficient and fast algorithm for estimating the frequencies of superimposed exponential signals in multiplicative and additive noise, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2009, 6(4): 1785-1797.
9. J. Bian, H. Li, H. Peng and J. Xing, An efficient and fast algorithm for estimating the frequencies of 2-D superimposed exponential signals in presence of multiplicative and additive noise, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2009, 56: 185-195.
科研课题 Funded Research Projects
教育部留学回国人员科研基金项目 (The Project Sponsored by the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry),教外司留[2014]1685号、基于隐Markov模型的Pre-mRNA剪切调控因子的预测与估计(Prediction and estimation of Pre-mRNA splicing regulation motifs basing on hidden Markov model)、2014/10-2015/10。
国家自然科学基金青年基金(National Natural Science Foundation of China),61302138、多项式相位信号参数估计的迭代算法研究(Iterative algorithm for parameter estimation of polynomial phase signal)、2014/01-2016/12。
国家自然科学基金数学天元基金(National Natural Science Foundation of China),11126274、噪声野值情形下二维谐波参数估计的联合迭代算法研究(Joint iterative algorithm research for parameter estimation of 2-D harmonics in presence of outliers)、2012/01-2012/12。
中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金“摇篮计划”(Cradle Project, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China University of Geosciences(Wuhan)),CUGL140422、基于迭代算法的非平稳信号参数估计以及统计性能研究(Parameter estimation and statistical performance analysis for nonstationary signals basing on iterative algorithm)、2014/01-2016/12。
湖北省自然科学基金(National Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, P.R.China),2011CDB333、缺失数据情形下乘性谐波参数估计的高精度迭代算法研究(High-precision iterative algorithm research for parameter estimation of harmonics with multiplicative noise and missing data)、2012/01-2013/12。
主要教授课程 Teaching
[1] 主讲过的本科生课程(Undergraduate courses):
《计算方法(Numerical Methods)》、
《复变函数(Function of Complex Variables)》、
《概率统计(Probability and Statistics)》、
《线性代数(Linear Algebra)》、
《高等数学(Advanced Mathematics)》。
[2] 主讲过的研究生课程(Graduate courses):
《高等数理统计(Advanced Mathematical Statistics)》、
《现代概率论基础(Modern Probability Theory)》、
《高阶谱分析(High-order Spectral Analysis)》、
《随机过程(Stochastic Processes)》。