郑安寿 教授 |
中国地质大学(武汉)数学物理学院 School of Mathematics and Physics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430074 |
办公室 Office |
东区综合教学楼A座1011 |
A1011, Integrated Teaching building, East Campus |
E-mail: |
研究兴趣Research Interests |
量子光学 (Quantum Optics) |
非线性光学 (Nonlinear Optics) |
教育背景 Education
2009.09-2012.06 |
华中科技大学物理系,博士研究生,获理学博士学位 |
PhD, Physics, Huazhong University of Science and technology |
2004.09-2006.12 |
华中科技大学物理系,硕士研究生,获理学硕士学位 |
Msci, Physics, Huazhong University of Science and technology |
工作经历 Academic Experience
2001.07- |
中国地质大学(武汉)数学物理学院, 教师 |
China University of Geosciences |
主要学术论文 Selected Papers published in refereed journals
1. M.Q. Zhang, A.S. Zheng*(郑安寿), and Guangyong Zhang, Gain-nonlinearity-induced tunable phonon
sideband spectrum and frequency comb, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 2020,37(10),2839
2. A.S. Zheng*(郑安寿), X.Z. Tang, Hongyun Chen, and J. B. Liu*, Saturable nonlinearity-induced high-order sideband generation in a parity–time symmetric double-cavity system, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 2019, 52, pp 235401/1-8
3. Yunfei Ma, Tieping Li and A.S. Zheng*(郑安寿), Optical nonreciprocity via the standard Jaynes–Cummings model in a gain microcavity, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 2018,35(2), pp 356-361
4. A.S. Zheng*(郑安寿), Guangyong Zhang, Hongyun Chen, Tingting Mei and Jibing Liu, Nonreciprocal light propagation in coupled microcavities system beyond weak-excitation approximation, Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 14001
5. A.S. Zheng*(郑安寿), X.-Y. Lü, and J. Liu, Single-photon frequency conversion for generation of entanglement via constructive interference in Sagnac interferometers, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.,2014, 47(5), pp 055501/1-8
6. A.S. Zheng(郑安寿), Y.J. Cheng*, and J.B. Liu, Voltage-controlled multipartite entanglement with distant quantum dot molecules via adiabatic-varying tunnel coupling, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 2013,30(12), pp 3168-3173
7.A.S. Zheng (郑安寿), J.H. Li*, R. Yu, X.-Y. Lü, and Y. Wu, Generation of Greenberger- Horne-Zeilinger state of distant diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers via nanocavity input-output process, Opt. Express, 2012,20(15), pp 16902-16912
8. A.S. Zheng*( 郑安寿) and J.B. Liu, Generation of an N-qubit Greenberger– Horne–Zeilinger state with distant atoms in bimodal cavities, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.,2011,44(16), pp 165501/1-7
9. A.S. Zheng*(郑安寿), X.Y. Hao, and X.-Y. Lü, Generation of three-dimensional entanglement with spin qubits coupled to a bimodal microsphere cavity, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.,2011, 44(16), pp 165507/1-6
科研课题 Funded Research Projects
湖北省自然科学基金项目(National Natural Science Foundation of Hubei),11005057、基于超导量子干涉仪的绝热过程量子信息处理(Quantum information processes based on SQUID)、2009/01-2010/12。
主要教授课程 Teaching
[1] 主讲过的本科生课程(Undergraduate courses):
《大学物理(College Physics)》、
《宏观场论(macroscopic field)》、