

Publisher:王希成Time:Dec 16, 2020Click:

苑新喜 副教授

Associate Professor Xinxi Yuan


School of Mathematics and Physics,

China University of Geosciences,

Wuhan, Hubei 430074

办公室  Office


A1011, Integrated Teaching building, East Campus

办公室电话  Office Phone





研究兴趣Research Interests

薄膜生长 (thin film growth)

电磁场 (electromagnetic fields)

引力场 (gravitational fields)

育背景 Education



Master's Degree School of PhysicsHuazhong   University of Science and Technology



Bachelor's Degreedepartment of PhysicsShandong   University

工作经历 Academic Experience



Associate ProfessorChina University of GeosciencesWuhan



Lecturer, China University of GeosciencesWuhan



Associate   LecturerChina University of GeosciencesWuhan



Associate Engineer , China University of   GeosciencesWuhan

主要学术论文 Selected Papers

1. Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), Reduced Fine Structure Constant, and A Calculation of Gravitational Radiation of Hydrogen Atom[EB/OL]. Beijing: Sciencepaper Online[2019-06-28]



2. 苑新喜. 电容器与螺绕环运动时电磁场的动量. 电气电子教学学报2019, 41(01):65-68.

Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), Momentum of Electromagnetic Fields for Capacitor and Toroid in Motion . Journal of Electrical & Electronic Education. 2019, 41(01):65-68.

3. 苑新喜. 电容器与螺绕环转动时电磁场的转动动能. 物理通报2018, (S2):28-30

Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), Rotational Kinetic Energy of Electromagnetic Fields for Capacitor and Toroid in Rotation. Physics Bulletin. 2018, (S2):28-30

4. 苑新喜. 光的相干长度对两类光谱仪器分辨本领的影响. 光学仪器2018, 40(04):68-73

 Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), Influence of light’s coherence length on resolving power of two kinds of spectral apparatus. Optical Instruments. 2018, 40(04):68-73

5. 苑新喜. 应用光电效应研究电子电磁质量的试验设计. 电子测试, 2018, (03/05):74-76

Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), Test Design for Research for the Electromagnetic Mass of Electron by the Photoelectric Effect. Electronic Test. 2018, (03/05):74-76

6. 苑新喜. 电容器和螺绕环转动时电磁场的角动量. 物理通报, 2017, (10):102-104

Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜),. Angular Momentum of Electromagnetic Fields for Capacitor and Toroid in Rotation, Physics Bulletin. 2017, (10):102-104

7. 苑新喜. 关于电子的电磁质量问题的一点探讨. 甘肃科技纵横, 2016, 45(11):70-74

Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), A Discuss on the Electromagnetic Mass of the Electron, Scientific & Technical Information of Gansu. 2016, 45(11):70-74

8. 苑新喜. 微波谐振腔运动时电磁场的能量和动量. 雷达科学与技术,2016, 14(02):198-201

Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), Energy and Momentum of Electromagnetic Fields of Microwave Resonant Cavity in Motion, Radar Science and Technology, 2016, 14(02):198-201

9. 苑新喜. 应用Bertozzi实验研究电子的电磁质量. 实验科学与技术,2016, 14(02):4-7

Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), Research on the Electromagnetic Mass of the Electron by Bertozzi's Experiment, Experiment Science and Technology. 2016, 14(02):4-7

10. 苑新喜. 电容器和螺绕环运动时电磁场的能量. 空间电子技术, 2016, (01):19-23

Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜),   Energy of Electromagnetic Fields for Capacitor and Toroid in Motion, Space Electronic Technology. 2016, (01):19-23

11. 苑新喜. 光学谐振腔运动时电磁场的能量和动量. 激光杂志, 2015, 36(10):110-112

  Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), Energy and Momentum of Electromagnetic Fields within a Moving Optical Resonator,  Laser Journal. 2015, 36(10):110-112

12. 苑新喜. 应用康普顿散射研究电子的电磁质量. 甘肃科技纵横, 2015, 44(10):39-41

Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), Research for the Electromagnetic Mass of Electron by the Compton Scattering. Scientific & Technical Information of Gansu, 2015, 44(10):39-41

13. 苑新喜. 带电体低速运动时电磁场的能量和动量. 物理通报, 2014, (10):24-26

Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), Energy and Momentum of Electromagnetic Fields of a Charged Body in low speed, Physics Bulletin, 2014, (10):24-26

14. 苑新喜. 带电球面运动时的电磁场动量. 物理通报, 2013, (11):19-21

 Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), Electromagnetic Fields Momentum of a Charged Spherical Surface in Motion.  Physics Bulletin, 2013, (11):19-21

15. 苑新喜. 对引力红移的一种探索性解释. 中国基础科学, 2013, 15(2):11-13

 Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), An Exploratory Explanation on Gravitational Redshift, China Basic Science. 2013, 15(2):11-13

16. 苑新喜, . 拓展中国传统文化在大学物理教学中的应用. 物理通报, 2013, (2):115-117

 Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), etc., Explore Application of Chinese Traditional Culture in the College Physics Class Teaching, Physics Bulletin. 2013, (2):115-117

17. 苑新喜. 均匀带电球面匀速运动时的电磁场能量. 中国基础科学, 2012, 14:(6):37-38

 Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), Energy of Electromagnetic Fields of a Uniformly Charged Spherical Surface in Uniform Motion.  China Basic Science. 2012, 14:(6):37-38

18. 苑新喜. 关于引力理论的一点探讨性思考. 中国基础科学, 2012, 14(3):11-13

 Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), An Exploratory Thought about Theory of Gravitation. China Basic Science. 2012, 14(3):11-13

19. 苑新喜. 对脉冲双星PSR1913+16引力辐射计算的一个注解. 中国基础科学, 2011, 13(6):12-14

 Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), An Annotation for Calculation of Gravitational Radiation for Binary Pulsar PSR1913 + 16.  China Basic Science. 2011, 13(6):12-14

20. 刘祖黎,苑新喜,等. 非均一相互作用能对超薄膜生长影响的Monte Carlo模拟研究. 物理学报, 2010, 59(9):6430-6437

Zuli Liu, Xinxi Yuan (苑新喜), etc., Monte Carlo simulation of influence of inhomogeneous interaction energy on thin film growth.  Acta Physica Sinica, 2010, 59(9):6430-6437

主要教授课程 Teaching

主讲过的本科生课程(Undergraduate courses)


《大学物理(University Physics)》、

《大学物理实验(University Physical Experiment)》、

《近代物理实验(Modern Physical Experiment)》、