

Publisher:王希成Time:Dec 16, 2020Click:

王毅 副教授

Associate Professor Yi Wang


School of Mathematics and Physics,

China University of Geosciences,

Wuhan, Hubei   430074



A1306, Integrated Teaching building, East   Campus


yiwang@cug.edu.cn; wangyi-mail@163.com



研究兴趣Research Interests

传染病动力学建模及分析 (Modeling and analysis of infectious disease   dynamics)

复杂网络传播动力学及应用 (Spreading dynamics and its applications in complex networks)

复杂网络理论及其应用 (Theory and its applications in complex networks)

育背景 Education



PhD, Applied Mathematics, Southeast   University



Co-supervised Ph.D. student, University of   Victoria, Victoria, Canada (Sponsored by China Scholarship Council)



M.s., Applied Mathematics, North University   of China

工作经历 Academic Experience



Associate Professor, China University of   Geosciences



Distinguished   Associate Professor,

China University of Geosciences

主要奖励和荣誉 Honors & Awards

1) 中国地质大学(武汉)年终评优考核校级优秀和优秀班主任(2019年)

2) 数理学院党员民主评议评优活动中获评“优秀党员”(2018年)

3) 博士研究生国家奖学金,教育部(2013年)

4) 航天公益(CASC)一等奖学金,中国航天科技集团公司(2011年)

5) 山西省三好学生,山西省教育厅(2010年)

主要学术论文 Selected Papers published in refereed journals

1. Yi Wang, Jinde Cao, Final size of network epidemic models: Properties and connections, Science China: Information Sciences (English Version), 64: 179201, 2021.

2. Yi Wang, Zhouchao Wei, Jinde Cao, Epidemic dynamics of influenza-like-diseases spreading in complex networks, Nonlinear Dynamics, 101: 1801-1820, 2020.

3. Yi Wang, Jinde Cao, Gang Huang, Further dynamic analysis for a network sexually transmitted disease model with birth and death, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 363: 124635, 2019.

4. Yi Wang, Jinde Cao, Mengqi Li, Li Li, Global behavior of a two-stage contact process on complex networks, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 356: 3571-3589, 2019.

5. Yi Wang, Junling Ma, Jinde Cao, Li Li, Edge-based epidemic spreading in degree-correlated complex networks, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 454: 164-181, 2018.

6. Yi Wang, Jinde Cao, Xiaodi Li, Ahmed Alsaedi, Edge-based epidemic dynamics with multiple routes of transmission on random networks, Nonlinear Dynamics, 91: 403-420, 2018.

7. Yi Wang, Jinde Cao, Ahmed Alsaedi, Bashir Ahmad, Edge-based SEIR dynamics with or without infectious force in latent period on random networks, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 45: 35-54, 2017.

8. Yi Wang, Jinde Cao, Ahmed Alsaedi, Tasawar Hayat, The spreading dynamics of sexually transmitted diseases with birth and death on heterogeneous networks, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 17: 023502, 2017.

9. Gui-Quan Sun, Marko Jusup, Zhen Jin, Yi Wang, Zhen Wang, Pattern transitions in spatial epidemics: Mechanisms and emergent properties, Physics of Life Reviews, 19: 43-73, 2016.

10. Jinde Cao, Yi Wang, Abdulaziz Alofi, Abdullah AL-Mazrooei, Ahmed Elaim, Global stability of an epidemic model with carrier state in heterogeneous networks, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 80: 1025-1048, 2015.

11. Yi Wang, Jinde Cao, Global stability of general cholera models with nonlinear incidence and removal rates, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 352: 2464-2485, 2015.

12. Yi Wang, Jinde Cao, Global dynamics of a network epidemic model for waterborne diseases spread, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 237: 474-488, 2014.

13. Yi Wang, Zhen Jin, Zimo Yang, Zi-Ke Zhang, Tao Zhou, Gui-Quan Sun, Global analysis of an SIS model with an infective vector on complex networks, Nonlinear Analysis: RWA, 13: 543-557, 2012.

科研课题 Funded Research Projects

国家自然科学基金青年项目(National Natural Science Foundation of China)11801532,媒体信息影响下的网络传染病动力学研究(Research on network epidemic dynamics under the effect of media coverage)2019/01-2021/12

国家自然科学基金理论物理专项(National Natural Science Foundation of China)11747142,耦合网络上基于连边的谣言传播机理建模与分析(Edge-based modeling and analysis of rumor spreading mechanisms on coupled networks)2018/01-2018/12

12批中国博士后科学基金特别资助(the 12th China Postdoctoral Science special Foundation)2019T120372,复杂网络传播动力学的一些基本问题研究(Research on basic issues of transmission dynamics in complex networks)2019/06-2021/06

63批中国博士后科学基金面上资助一等资助(the 63rd China Postdoctoral Science Foundation-first)2018M630490,耦合网络上的传染病传播动力学建模与控制(Modeling and control of infectious disease transmission dynamics on coupled networks)2018/06-2020/12

湖北省自然科学基金青年项目(Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province Youth Project)2018CFB260,多媒体报道下基于网络连边的传染病动力学建模与防治(Edge-based modeling and prevention of infectious disease dynamics under the effect of media coverage)2018/01-2020/12




主要教授课程 Teaching

主讲过的本科生课程(Undergraduate courses)

《线性代数(Linear Algebra)》、《高等数学(Advanced Mathematics)》、

《概率论与数理统计(Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics)》、

《数学分析(Mathematical Analysis)